Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Okay, okay! I know I posted this last night but here it is again for our "Official" record! Mark's total score for 13 rounds of Mexican Dominoes is ... 75 !!!  Wow. 

Mark celebrated the new record. LOL

Meanwhile, at Sue's and Wayne's cottage the new shed base is ready. Monty has volunteered to help Wayne with assembly. (Mark says "Righty-tighty, lefty-loosey!") 

Shed base is ready! Good job Wayne. 

Wayne and Monty working on the new shed. 

Sue took this great picture of "big bunny" in the sunshine. 

This morning, Mark and I went to our local farmer's market where we bought corn, tomatoes and onions. Tonight, he's grilling corn on the cob, salmon and rice. We went tried to get some exercise by walking around the flea market, but it was just too hot for me! I lasted about half an hour! 

Maggie and Robbie "helped" with garden chores today. LOL. They are great lizard hunters. 

Mark puttered around with a few things ... vacuuming the A/C line and trimming the seed pods from our queen palms. I made phone calls to Minnesota about Maggie's biopsies and got frustrated. No answers yet. :-(. Sue offered to phone ... and did ... and found out another lab is currently looking over the slides. Maybe we'll know what to do soon. 

LOL. Mark poached salmon in white wine and butter for dinner. I was prepared to say just how delicious it tasted ... and then I bit into it and blurted out "Aargh, it's pretty good."  We both had a good laugh. I'm just not a salmon person. Haha. 

After dinner, we played two games of Scrabble and Mark was the winner BOTH times. "Who's the man?" he asks. LOL

Ta ta for now. 

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