Wayne's boots. Do you notice something strange? He bought these in 2004, the time before this when water was over the dock; it's now 2014 and the PRICE TAG is still on them. LOL. (Sue NEVER removes a label from anything ... you know the type that says "Only to be removed by consumer"!) When I spotted Wayne's boots with swinging price tag still attached I had to take this photo! Sue saw me and we had a laugh. She wondered aloud if Wayne intended on returning them to the store one day. LOL. The K's both love their tags, apparently.
About 10 days ago I wrote about Miniature & Fairy Gardens. Imagine my surprise when my cousin Hugh posted this picture of his granddaughter!
Isn't she adorable! Her gardens look great! Kudos, Emily!
Mark and I are loading up our RV for the trip to Minneapolis with the Scotties. Now we hate packing, and we really hate packing up at this time. Our Miss Maggie has an appointment Thursday in Minneapolis for a consultation about her swollen lymph nodes. :-<
Wayne popped in about 3 and suggested a boat ride. Yay. We all walked 32' of plank to board the Tahoe. This flooded dock business is tiring! Two Clearwater Bay boathouses were blown down in last week's high winds.
What a mess! Not much can be done until the water resides.
Anyway, tonight, Mark is cooking pickerel ... I've got the easy part, fries. LOL.
Mark presented this delicious salad plate! Sue was impressed; said it would be $15 a plate in a restaurant. It was good!
Dinner at Chez Chippy's Hollow. Haha.
Tomorrow is Mark's birthday! He's officially retired TWO years already ... and loving it. We're going to breakfast at Yesterday's. :-)
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