Thursday, November 21, 2013


Any American alive on this day in 1963 knows exactly where they were at 1:00 p.m. CST. 

Today marks the 50th anniversary of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy's assassination. 

Notice the proximity of the secret service car. 

Now, look at the proximity of the secret service car. 

Hundreds of books have been published regarding JFK's assassination. Theories abound. In the end, the president shouldn't have been riding in an open car. It was his decision, and his decision alone, that made his assassination possible. 

The Eternal Flame at Arlington. Mark and I have, at different times, visited this site. Our plans include another visit this spring on our next BIG RV adventure in May. 

Meanwhile, my sister Linda is in hospital after suffering two seizures yesterday.
We visited last night with Diane and Kris.  A scan yesterday showed "a brain abnormality". Today, an MRI is scheduled for 9 p.m. tonight to further diagnose. 

Tomorrow's another day. 

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