Thursday, November 14, 2013


Maggie and Robbie were happy to arrive home yesterday. They scoped out every corner of their property, raced and chased each other then conked out for two hours on their living room carpet. It's a dogs' life here. LOL

Meanwhile, Mark and I emptied the RV, cooked dinner, opened mail and watched "Big Bang" and "Modern Family". 

It was nice to wake to 65F and hear birds chirping rather than Fort Lauderdale's traffic screaming past. A little bit country is our style now, it seems. 

This cartoon is for our poker player friend, Jim G ...

This gives a whole new meaning to "I'm a dog person."!!!  

Years ago, I had an English Springer Spaniel named Freddie Farkel. Fred was a high energy clown who loved to retrieve ... often items he shouldn't have. Fred was well-known around the Manitoba Yacht Club. In those days, our dogs romped around the clubhouse grounds quite freely! One autumn afternoon, my dad was building a shed on the property. He was in an awkward position and reached for a shim board just as Freddie Farkel sprinted past, grabbed the board and bounded away. LOL. It was Freddie's luck that my dear dad loved animals!

Dogs are incapable of lying ... What great role models, eh?

Although we love all pets, dogs rule! They teach us to love unconditionally.

It's been another busy day of little chores accomplished. Could it be happy hour already???

It's a quiet Friday night Happy Hour. TGIF y'all.

Last call ... Night night, sleep tight. 

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