Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Good morning! Randy arrived about 8 o'clock to have coffee and pick up our lawn mower. He had taken the weekend off from chores but the grass was calling today. Haha. 

As we were having coffee, the crematorium manager called ... and the day took a decidedly dark turn. It was a very final feeling when the representative said, "Here she is." (Until then, I thought it a very compassionate process.) Mark commented that Linda was going home again. (Helpful? Or not?)

Are you a runner???

Well, you would be on THIS road!!!  LOL

This partier must have been doing fireballs at The Hideaway. 

Haha. A truckload of dirt and a pallet of sod should handle it. 

Here's a partier of a different breed. 

Yeah. blame the little guy. LOL

This afternoon, I began "fall" cleaning ... well, turning out. The donation pile has begun with bedding, drapes, curtains, books, dresses and shoes. I wonder if Mark has anything to donate?  

Our community is having a fundraiser ... donations are collected and auctioned off at a dinner function. I'm donating a 16 place settings of Christmas dinnerware. There are dinner plates, soup bowls, salad plates and cups. Our Christmas group has shrunk to 7 from 16. Last night I had my annual Christmas disaster dream. Basically, without getting into goofy details, I'm not prepared for Christmas! Yes, I know it's only September 2nd ... but some years I get this nightmare in July! LOL. I really am late this year. Ha!

Sue and Wayne are on their way home ... in Michigan tonight. The first RV campground wasn't good ... so on they went. 

Mark sprayed his bleach mixture on the roof this evening, so going to dinner was out. I was wishing for Ichi Ban. :-( ... maybe Thursday?

Ta ta. Hope your Tuesday was good. 

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