Saturday, September 13, 2014


Good morning! It's archery season ... oh boy! Mark left at 5:30 to drive to Lake Panosofkee to hunt deer. 

I couldn't get back to sleep so started on the Guest Room again. 

Here I am confessing to removing tags from the new quilt!!! (Sue will be horrified!) LOL. If you remember from July's picture on the blog, Wayne had the tag on his rubber boots from 15 years ago. Hahaha.   As you can see, I added 7+ yards of lush fringe to give it some oomph. 

Mark arrived home at noon having heard turkeys and having seen a large deer. (Well, big for a Florida deer!)

Randy sent a text today ... he forgot to ask the neighbor to take his mail in ... so, we have a job to do. He suggested we might like to shoot pool and drink his beer. Well okay then! We're in. On a more somber note, Randy spread Linda's ashes at the grave sites of their two dogs and his mom's and grandmother's sites. Later today he will attend his aunt Stephanie's celebration of life. There, he will see family and friends from years ago.

Sue just called; she and Wayne are meeting Carol & Jack at the Elks for dinner and dancing. I reminded her to watch for Sue and Greg there! 

Tonight, Mark and I are hanging curtains. Oh fun!

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