Monday, February 17, 2014


Hmmm, I'm up early? What to do ... uploads for 4 hours! I do wish I could understand how one family managed THREE HENRYs' under one roof !!!

It's a beautiful day ... clear and sunny. Mark has been tree trimming ... rather, butchering, but the backyard is nice and tidy looking. 

Diane and Kris have been working on their "The Villages" house (again.)

A third garage was added for "toy" storage. Kris will stucco the front and paint to pull it all together. They have decided to keep Georgia Boys ... and their house on Butler Drive. The Villages will be their "hideaway", much like Mark and I did for 10 years. 

Last night, we picked up two pizzas from Stavros and drove over to Randy and Linda's. Linda visited with us for about half an hour and then went to watch TV and to bed about 8 o'clock. Randy was enjoying the company, and opened a bottle of Red Diamond wine; ( Wayne-worthy ). LOL. It was so good, Mark and he finished it and opened a second!!! We had a good laugh as Randy was wearing Wayne's style jammer pants and drinking Wayne's style wine. Randy quipped, "See, and you thought I didn't learn nothin' on that RV trip!!!" There were lots of laughs over that. 

Meanwhile, Sue and Carol went out to lunch in Candi Koko ...

Life is Good at K's house. I bet they went to Piranah Pats !

Mark hauled 10 large bundles of tree branches to the curb for pickup tomorrow. He will be able to relax this evening and watch what he wants on TV as I am going to Sharon's for an "organizer" party. I'm not sure what they can possibly teach me, as I am the organizer queen!!!


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