Friday, February 28, 2014


Good sunny morn !!!  It was a good Billy Joel tribute band last night. I forgot several times that he wasn't the real deal. Very good. Randy came by for an hour, but was enjoying his freedom at the Hideaway. It was great to see him having fun. 

First thing this morning, we went to Olivia's for breakfast ... The GeorgeFest Parade  started about 10 o'clock. 

We couldn't believe our eyes ...

A real BULL rider. When I stepped out to take this picture, the bull gave me an odd look ... my RED hair, perhaps?  LOL

This 95 year old veteran of WW2, Battle of the Bulge, was a huge hit with the crowd!

Sir Gus is a parade favorite! The Shriner's mascot. 

The Wells Fargo horse team and stagecoach were beautiful. 

Wells Fargo semi and trailer transports the stagecoach and team of horses. 

Betsy Ross was still stitching the flag! LOL

There were musical high school bands, beauty pageant contestants, fire trucks and the like. It was a good time!

Randy invited us to dinner ... Homemade chili with salad and cheese toast. It was good. Linda was bouncing off the walls today, unable to settle down. If she falls asleep soon, we're going to play Mexican dominoes!

Glenlivet it is !!! And Mexican dominoes!

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