Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Oh what a night !  Last evening we four hopped into the Tahoe for an evening cruise around the bay.  MaryBeth and Monty were cruising in their Princecraft too. It was lovely and calm.

Dawn Fraser's boathouse reflecting nicely. 

When we turned west, we saw it ... a front rolling in silently. 

Wayne turned the Tahoe for home where blueberry crumble and ice cream was waiting. 

The boathouse flags were limp. 

Half an hour later, Mark and Julie were leaving Bears Lair to walk down the flagstone steps to Chippy's Hollow and heard distant rolling thunder. In the minute or two it took to get in the cottage door, the wind was whipping, lightening flashing and hail coming down!  (Sue said Julie is not allowed to talk about the lack of severe weather as twice it brought on a hellacious storm.) LOL

Hail began pelting down and the power began a series of brownouts before succumbing to the weather at 9:40 pm. 

The light show was spectacular; lightening fired in rapid secession, the cottage eerily lit. 

This morning we awoke to mist on the bay and silence that comes with no electricity; no refrigerator, no fan. Even the loons were quiet. 

One poplar tree snapped in half near the driveway, but otherwise, no visible damage. 

About 11 am we heard the Ontario Power company helicopter flying the power lines. Their pilot is amazingly skilled. He flies quickly along the lines, inspecting for damage. 

Helicopter buzzing Chippy's Hollow. 

Finally, around 2 in the afternoon, power was restored and life resumed its pace. 

Tonight is a casual dinner party at MaryBeth and Monty Flom's.  Word's out  she baked a wild blueberry pie. :-)

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