Monday, December 7, 2015


Pearl Harbor Day ... our neighborhood block captains were busy in the wee (foggy) morning hours putting up our flags. Nice!

Meanwhile, we're off to work with our sleepyhead Scottie. He doesn't like eating breakfast before 9, nevermind 6 am. He slept the entire hour drive. Haha. "Where am I ???"

Happy Birthday to cousin Debbie (with hubs Del) celebrating yesterday in London. 

In Pompano Beach, Wayne hung their Christmas lights and a new addition, Snoopy! 

It's now 7 in the evening and we're heading home after a big day of "housework". LOL. We didn't intend on working "overtime" but had to change the locks. We had a nosy eyeballer checking out the house today ...

It may have been the former tenant's son. Hmmm, better safe than sorry, as the saying goes. 

Randy's at the airport waiting for his 9 o'clock flight to Winnipeg. Ike Vickar, a friend and boss from Randy's car sales days passed away over the weekend. So, Randy now has 2 funerals to attend! 

Wayne phoned tonight to say he ordered the Cherry kitchen cabinets for the house! I think they'll look great. 

Well, that's it as we have a date with the hot tub and a glass of wine AFTER Robbie gets his dinner and a big walk.  Ta ta. 

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