Monday, December 14, 2015


Ho Ho Ho. Last night, Randy and Dawn dropped over for drinks after dinner. 

We sure wondered what was up when Dawn came in lugging an overnight bag and PILLOW. LOL. Randy had forgotten to tell us they were staying overnight. Dawn laughed when she found out Randy hadn't mentioned it. LOL. (They need a septic tank pump out, pronto!)

This morning, Randy and Dawn were up and off to breakfast by 7:15 as Dawn had to open shop at work. The last person ready for work was, as usual, Robbie dog. Mark and I had plenty of things to get at Home Depot for the Orlando property. Robbie came in the store and rode around just like "K's" Shizzles. LOL

Our new Kia is loaded to the hesdliner with sinks, toilet seats, a pressure washer and supplies. I guess we will be finished the big job before our Dodge is ready! The parts haven't arrived yet. 

We ran short of paint to finish rolling the stucco! Drat. It's looking good. Tomorrow, I'll paint the garage door and the front door jamb white. 

We arrived home in the dark. I don't like this time of year for that reason and wish we kept daylight savings yearly. Mark cooked a nice dinner while I did out paperwork. Tonight, relax and watch the news. Ta ta. 

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