Monday, July 8, 2013


Last evening's delicious pork chop dinner was followed by a rousing game of 99.  A refresher for those who may have forgotten the game; start the game with 3 quarters each. The play progresses from one player to the next by laying down a card and announcing the count (pick up a fresh card from the deck each time you play) ... for example if a six was played "6" ... next player maybe plays a queen (10) "16" ... to a maximum of 99.  If you're holding a 9, you can jump the count to 99 anytime and maybe catch the next player with no card to play!!!  That player would ante up .25 cents to the pot. So, 9's make it 99; 10's reduce the count by 10; Kings hold the count; and 4's reverse the play. Use two decks of cards ... .25 cents in the pot from the first out each round.  When a player has lost three rounds (.75 cents) they are "on their honor" until they go out again!  Be careful you don't deal them in after that or they're back in the game!

Mark won the first pot, Julie the second pot ... laundry money!  Lots of laughs!

It's a beautiful sunny morning with promise of a hot day. Wayne and Mark have gone in search of a BBQ to replace their main one ... Julie is making "fly shirts" for Maggie and Robbie for walks on the road, Pam's reading McNally's Curse by Lawrence Sanders and Sue is prepping for their formal dinner party tomorrow!

Surprise!  We're off to Kenora in the Windsorcraft for early dinner at 4:30. 


  1. I love reading this blog. You all seem to have such a great life. How do we get into that club with you. Really. I want to join. Please.

  2. Thanks! We do have fun ... looking forward to seeing you in a week or two! Bring quarters for 99. ;-)
